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Vendor Proposal Form

If you are a vendor and would like to present your company’s product at the LAANE conference, please complete this form.

Presentation Title:

Presentation Type: (Please note that all sessions are 60 minutes in length.)

Contact Presenter Information:




Office Address:

City: State: Zip Code:

Telephone: Fax:

E-Mail Address:

Summer Address: (Only if different from above)

City: State: Zip Code:

Telephone: Fax:

E-Mail Address:

Co-presenters: (List additional names in the order they should appear on the printed program):

Name: Phone:



Name: Phone:



Name: Phone:



If you have more than three co-presenters, after submitting this form please email Norman Beebe ( with the additional names, titles and contact information.

Summary: 250-500 word summary of your presentation, describing the objectives and content. Please be detailed in how your session will be presented

Abstract: 75-100 word summary of your presentation. If your proposal is selected, this abstract will be published in the Conference Proceedings

Biography (primary presenter): 75-100 word biography for presenter

Biography (co-presenter 1): 75-100 word biography for presenter

Biography (co-presenter 2): 75-100 word biography for presenter

Biography (co-presenter 3): 75-100 word biography for presenter