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Abstracts for 2016 LAANE Conference

#1 Engagement and Learning Through Gamification

Boost your student engagement and learning by infusing your workshops, curriculum, or group
activities with games. Students rate their game-based learning experiences as truly engaging
and preferred over traditional activities. Learn how the human brain is wired to respond
positively to games and develop skills while having fun! This interactive workshop will include
metacognition, gamification, blended-learning theory, student engagement, and free online
apps. Join us in an exploration of ways to better connect your program with the mobile
generation. Participants will have the best experience if they bring their mobile devices and
know their passwords to APP stores.

#2 Developing Your Social Media Strategy

Are you reaching your audience via social media? This workshop is for those managing a
group/organization Facebook page (not an individual Facebook page) or looking to develop
one. Topics will include digital literacy, edgerank, metrics, hashtags, QR codes, content
management, and a brief introduction of gamification tools. Participants will leave with a plan
to implement social media use into their work, be it communication plans, daily use, or
departmental processes. Bring a laptop or mobile device on which you can develop real-time

#3 What’s in a Name? How Language Matters in Creating an Inclusive Environment

Tutor.  Fellow.  Consultant.  Coach.  In all our centers, we have specific terms, titles, and
language that define our culture.  In this session we will explore how different terminology used
within a Learning Center can impact student perception, and in turn, student utilization of
services. We will discuss the preliminary findings in an ongoing research study about the use of
learning center language and how certain terms can be used to encourage a more inclusive and
open learning environment. This presentation will conclude with tips for breaking down
miscommunications and effectively incorporating inclusive and meaningful language and terms
in our daily learning center work.

#4 A Triumvirate of Writing Support: Creating Partnerships to Help International Students Achieve Academic Success

This presentation will outline the partnerships that are cultivated through three different units
at Southern New Hampshire University: International Student English instructors, the Learning
Center, and tutors who serve as classroom assistants. These partnerships have been integral to
the success of our International students and provide many levels of support depending on
need. The workshop leaders are a composition teacher, a writing tutoring coordinator, and two
student writing tutors. The takeaways from this presentation will include classroom strategies
to better engage with international student learning, techniques and methods for creating new
International student support programs, and handouts with different tutor training ideas on
how to work effectively with international students.

#5 Academic Coaching for Student Success: The Person-Centered Approach and Narrative Therapy Techniques

Students with learning disabilities experience unique challenges when transitioning from high
school to college. Learning support services, particularly academic coaches, address these
challenges by utilizing a person-centered approach through narrative-therapy techniques. In
this session, participants will engage in narrative–therapeutic exercise and discuss its
application in learning resource settings. Discussion will include how these techniques are
effective for various student populations such as students with mental illnesses, English
language learners or first generation students.

#6 From Academic Skills to Academic Success: a Community-based Response to Student Academic Underachievement

Beginning in the spring of 2014, Curry College Academic Enrichment Department faculty began
partnering with the Office of Academic Success to develop AE 1000: Academic Success, a 1.5
credit course for students on academic probation. Initially, our efforts to use AE 1000 as a
launch point to improve student achievement were far from successful. Despite this
disappointing start, over the next two years increased collaboration between Academic
Enrichment faculty and the Office of Academic Success has produced steadily improving
outcomes. Through regular information sharing between administrators, support staff and AE
faculty members we were able to provide a “real time” response to students who fall into
academic difficulty. Using data culled from student academic records from January 2014
through May 2016, anecdotal evidence, and personal interviews, this presentation will trace
the evolution of AE 1000.

#7 Getting to know the CRLA's New, Online ITTPC Application for Tutor Training Program Certification

This workshop will focus on the new International Tutor Training Program Certification (ITTPC)
application for tutor program certification. We will review the online application; point out
new features and changes; and discuss the process, timeline and strategies for single and multi-
level program and campus certification. Through both small and large group discussions,
participants will share information about their current training program and how to “map” their
tutor training program onto the ITTPC requirements. There will be plenty of time for questions
and idea-sharing. Participants are encouraged to bring their current training outline or

#8 Improving Learning for Developmental Math Students with Hidden Disabilities

Many first-semester developmental math students have hidden disabilities such as anxiety,
high functioning autism, ADHD, or PTSD which affects their learning. These students also face
the challenge of learning to be a college student. In this session I will cover topics including
setting up the classroom, the course, and the instruction to improve learning for students. I will
also present methods to reduce test taking anxiety, provide scaffolding for study skill
development, increase student responsibility, and motivate students to support each other and
learn skills for success.

#9 Personal Flotation Devices: Designing Co-requisite Instruction for Composition

In this session, we will explore our assumptions about the level of rigor expected in preparatory
courses and what the research has revealed in terms of their success for students seeking a
degree. Participants will discuss their beliefs and experiences. Dr. Fensom will briefly explain a
co-requisite model for underprepared students in composition, based upon simultaneous
enrollment in both the credit-bearing course and the supplemental session. Examples of
several assignments, including those requiring reading for inference, synthesis and research,
will demonstrate how underprepared students can be assisted.

#10 Opening, Closing, and Practicing

How can we help students transition into the classroom and make the most of class time? How
can we get students to use metacognition and reflect on what happens during class? How can
we readily gain student feedback for our own planning and improvement? We’ll share
strategies, including do now exercises for the start of class, write out exercises for the end of
class, and student note-taker roles for during class. Come ready to listen, practice, discuss, and
share. The workshop leaders currently teach Developmental Reading and Writing, and the
methods discussed can be adapted for use in any course, at any level.

#11 Experiential Activities to Increase Student Metacognition for Collaborative Learning

Students often claim they "hate group work!" We propose that a lack of metacognitive
awareness can often make group work difficult for students as they struggle to cope with
differing learning styles, modes of communication, and cognitive levels. Our goal is to showcase
experiential learning activities that help students develop their own metacognition and
awareness of others, resulting in personal development and more effective collaboration.
Participants will engage in and discuss activities that can be used across disciplines, including
mathematics and science. We will touch upon debriefing strategies for meaningful student
reflection. Be prepared to participate!

#12 Knock, Knock:  Perspective Adult Learners at the Community College Door

In this workshop, the facilitator will share her qualitative research that looks at adults in a
transition-to- college class. Early findings indicate that students come to school with regret and
self-judgment, but also great hope. However, relatively few actually go on to enroll in college.
The presenter is exploring some potential non-cognitive factors: what are the connections
between students’ earlier experiences with school, home, and work; their future aspirations;
and their orientation to "school"? Workshop attendees will be invited to respond to findings,
share stories, and consider implications. What are you hearing from students? What are you
already doing, and how can you imagine new ways to build sturdy bridges that help learners
move from their past selves to their future selves?

#13 Writing-across- the-curriculum Considerations in Developing Cross-Curricula Writing Courses

This audience-centered session invites participants to explore how a course, Sophomore
Seminar, was created to bond major areas of study (psychology, literature, politics, education,
etc.) with research writing, information literacy, public speaking skills, and multimodal literacy.
We will discuss how different university departments worked together in this unique writing-
across-the- curriculum opportunity. This session will explore the possibilities and pitfalls of
working with departments on training, preparation, assessment, and student concerns. We will
offer concrete suggestions to those interested in piloting an integrated writing course.

#14 A Problem-focused Approach to Learning Mathematics

Students who are successful in mathematics adopt a problem-focused approach to solving
mathematical problems, thus drawing on appropriate content knowledge, applying procedural
knowledge, and exhibiting well-developed discrimination skills. However, many college
mathematics students do not draw on these skills. Instead, these mathematics students focus
primarily on the solution and figuring out “what I need to do to get the answer.” In this session,
we will look at how tutors and educators can help students develop a problem-focused
approach, allowing students to identify needed content knowledge, assess context, and
improve discrimination. We will use examples from College Algebra and Precalculus courses.

#15 Introduction to Academic Coaching

Delve deeper into student success strategies with our keynote speaker, Sarah Kravits!  In this one-hour introduction to academic coaching, we will explore the details of coaching, and there will be time for discussion and a sample coaching session.